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Three Fun Book of Mormon Resources for Kids

I’m always on the lookout for fun Book of Mormon learning resources for my kids! I love to mix things up and keep their learning opportunities fresh. I also love finding resources that seamlessly integrate into our already busy lives. I don’t need anything that tries to overhaul or overcomplicate our family scripture study!

Here are three new resources we’ve discovered to help us keep our scripture study fun and interactive, and that fit into habits and schedules we’ve already established.

Three Fun Book of Mormon Resources for Kids

  1. Book of Mormon Storytime Podcast

    We absolutely love listening to these bite sized Book of Mormon stories. They’re perfect for our car rides around town. Whenever we’re out and about, running errands or running to and from lessons, play dates, and other activities, I love to turn on an episode of the Book of Mormon Storytime Podcast.

    In this podcast, Maegan reads passages of scripture in a way that is fun and engaging. She breaks down hard to understand words and concepts, and relates the scriptures to a child’s every day life. She explains deep, meaningful doctrine in a way that even my five year old can understand and cherish.

    There are multiple episodes released every week and each one has been an absolute treat! You can find Book of Mormon Storytime wherever you listed to your favorite podcasts. (If you tap on the picture, I’ve included the link to Apple Podcasts.)

    Also, fun fact, the hostess, Maegan, is my cousin! I’m so proud of this amazing platform she’s created!!


2. Book of Mormon Handwriting Practice

Every time we go to parent-teacher conferences, I get the same feedback: “Your child is doing great! They just need to work on their handwriting.”

And to be honest, they’re not wrong. Developing good handwriting takes time, patience, and willpower - for all parties involved.

Since we’re doing regular handwriting practice at home anyway, I was so pleasantly surprised to stumble across this book on Amazon! I ordered a copy for each of my kids.

This book is a fantastic companion for our Come Follow Me Study. The passages throughout the book correlate to each week’s CFM lesson. As the kids practice their handwriting, they also have the opportunity to memorize the passage they’re writing. They’re becoming increasingly familiar with the scriptures, AND practicing their handwriting at the same time! It’s a work smarter, not harder, resource that I appreciate so much!

3. Book of Mormon 123

This is the latest book written and illustrated by yours truly! I created Book of Mormon 123 as a sacrament meeting bag book. Every week, I intentionally fill our sacrament meeting bag with books and activities that teach them about Jesus Christ. This book is no different. While introducing numbers 1-20, children get to learn about how The Book of Mormon starts off with Lehi having One dream, how Jesus Christ taught the people for Three days, and that there are Six women mentioned by name in The Book of Mormon, and so much more.

Book of Mormon 123 is a leveled-learning book, helping little ones build foundational familiarity in the scriptures. Each page has three levels of learning - a basic numbered element for the littlest learners, a short description for early readers and a scripture reference for older children.

You can find it, as well as New Testament ABC on Amazon.

What are some of your favorite Book of Mormon learning resources for kids? Comment below!